Thanksgiving time...I love fall and Thanksgiving and the baking, and especially the eating!! I mostly enjoy spending time with the family. This year I am very fortunate that I was able to get Thanksgiving and Christmas off at work. So what am I thankful for? Well, first, I am thankful for God and His grace. I am also very thankful for Jake, especially that he is here this year to celebrate with us. Last year he was in Oregon working, so we were not together during Thanksgiving. I am so very thankful for my children,...Shayne, he is turning into quite the young man. He has such a big heart, and although we are too much alike, and get on each others nerves, he really is a good kid. He is such a good big brother to Abby, we couldn't ask for anything more. Abby, she is such a delightful little girl. She is growing and changing so quickly, she has quite the personality for such a little thing. Last but not least, our angel baby boy, although we never got to know him, he has blessed our lives in so many ways...of course I miss him and wish he were still here with us, growing so big inside my belly, I am thankful for the very short time that we had him here on earth, and thankful that someday we will meet him in heaven. I am also thankful for our friends and family, we are so blessed to have such a great support system, couldn't do it without you guys!!
Shayne thought this would be a great idea...Abby loved it, until they took a corner a bit too fast, and then she was done!!
This was before the accident...
Little girl, she is so stinking cute!
This is a craft idea we got from Grandma Karen, she has all of Jake and Lindsey's growing up, so we decided to do Abby's...cute little reindeer!!
For Thanksgiving this year, we went to Jake's cousin Kara's house. This is Abby and Averie-cousins!! They are 6months apart. Averie was born in April.
This is Abby, Averie, and Jake's uncle Kip (Averie's Grandpa)!
Averie wasn't feeling too well, but did bring out some of her toys for Abby to play with...they are at the age where they don't play together, but play independently alongside each other.
She had this play door, that Abby was fascinated with, it had lights, mail, all sorts of fun stuff!
Of course, Abby had to go outside to investigate...she loves to play outside!
Of all the toys in the house, they both wanted to play with the ball.
This is Abby and Great Grandma Boyd.
Abby and Jake walking around outside.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
We started to decorate the house on Saturday, Shayne was at his friends house, so we put up the tree, but are waiting to decorate it. When Abby woke up from her nap, she was very interested in all the Christmas stuff!
Playing with the lights.
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